Next Generation Accountants
Professional Careers
Smart CEOs
This Service deliver measurable & sustainable improvement in the performance of your business.
Re-building Financial Department (RFD)
AASCanada is the outsourcing partner you need to outsource your business .
Business Opportunities In Canada
Every year, thousands of newcomers create new economic opportunities for themselves & for Canada by joining this country’s labour force.
Part-Time CFO
Business leaders require fast, accurate information to support smart, informed business decisions.
Taxes & Legal
service revolves around helping our clients manage their tax obligations effectively and proactively.
Advance Accounting Systems Canada (AASC) Experience leads in driving teams through the development and implementation of strategic financial procedures and systems while establishing effective operational processes to drive business success and control costs. AASC demonstrated ability to supervise corporate financial responsibilities—along with our talent in training and directing staff to achieve increased efficiency— Positions us to make a significant and positive impact on your organization.
Highlights of AASC Expertise Include the Following:
- Conceptualizing strategic initiatives to propel the achievement of corporate goals, streamline operations, and maximize staff performance, directing human resources, performance management, multibillion-dollar budget administration, and staff mentoring and leadership.
- Realizing consistent improvements in organizational profitability, efficiency, and performance through effective problem solving, organization, and interpersonal abilities
- Excelling in various executive-level financial leadership capacities for multiple companies, including financial analyses, accounting, due diligence, strategic business planning, forecasting, reporting, budget analysis, and risk management—to accelerate oveWordCeorall business success.
- Developing and instituting financial policies and procedures that improve cash flow, continually revamping and improving processes, staff, and internal systems to achieve dynamic results.
- Possessing expertise in international financial guidelines and policies, SarbanesOxley, US GAAP regulations, and IFRS.
- Demonstrating superior presentation, team motivation, and communication skills; Certified Public Accountant (CPA) credential.
Our proven dedication to overseeing all aspects of corporate operational, financial, and staff direction—along with our acute ability to realize consistent improvements in productivity, efficiency, and performance through effective negotiation, organization, and inter corporates abilities.
• Providing leadership to the managers of the finance, HR, business development and IT departments, To ensure that all deals meet the required revenue and margin expectations.
All Services
CEO Financial Services
- Smart CEOs
- Business Opportunities in Canada
Business Financial Services
- Part-Time CFO
- Maintaining Financial Department (MFD)
- Rebuilding Financial Department
- Financial Reporting Assist (FRA)
- Temp to Perm Staffing Service
- Taxes & Legal
Next Generation Accountants
- Next Generation Accountants (NGA)
- Career Path Planning (CPP)
- Skills Career Upgrade (SCU)
- On the Job Training (OJT)
- Job Search & Find
Professional Careers
- Mom Back to Work (MBW)
- On the Job Training (OJT)
- Small Business (SB)
- Financial Aid
Social Media
Canada : Toronto – ON
Egypt :
5th Settlement, New Cairo
Canada :
+1 647 866 34 23
: +20 100 219 26 44

Value of Initial Investment
Enter the amount of money you are investing.
Start Year
Enter the year in which the money was first invested.
End Year
Enter the future year on which you want to base your calculation.
Annual Interest Rate
Enter the annual compound interest rate you expect to earn on the investment. The default value (2.0%) equals the rate currently paid on five-year Guaranteed Investment Certificates.1 You may change this to any rate you wish. Annual Rate of Inflation Enter a projected annual rate of inflation. The default value (2.0%) equals the mid-point of the Bank's inflation-control target range. You may change this to any rate you wish.
Effect of Inflation on Value of Initial Investment
The value of the initial investment after the effects of inflation have been calculated, but excluding interest.
Total Interest Earned
The total amount of interest earned, before inflation.
Interest Earned, after Inflation
The total amount of interest earned, after the effects of inflation have been calculated.
Total Future Value
The total value of the investment after the effects of inflation on the principal and interest have been calculated.
Target Future Value of Investment
Enter the future amount of money you want to have.
Current Investment Needed for Future Value
This displays the amount you would have to invest to achieve your future target, taking into account the effects of inflation.